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FAQ Friday #43 – Is there such thing as antifoul for tubes?

FAQ Friday #43 – Is there such thing as antifoul for tubes?

Yes there is, but it’s not the same antifoul you would use on a solid GRP or aluminium hull.

RIB tubes bend and flex and SIB/dinghy tubes are often regularly inflated and deflated so using a normal antifoul such as Hempel Hard Racing would not be suitable. It’s really important that the antifoul used on tubes is flexible and elastic enough to cope with the PVC and Hypalon fabric movements.

We know that not all inflatable boat owners would ever want to antifoul their tubes  -and if I had a brand new tube, on a boat that wasn't left in the water often, I'm not sure I would want to either. However, if you do wish to antifoul your tubes, the product we recommend and stock is an Italian product – Gommoguard’s antifouling for inflatables which is suitable for use on both PVC and Hypalon tubes.

The product is available in 750ml tins and in three colours: black, grey and white.

Anifouling Paint for PVC & Hypalon Inflatable Boat Tubes - Gommoguard 750ml

Artículo anterior FAQ Friday #44 – How can I tell whether I need the Zodiac Rowlock Upgrade Kit (Z67506)?
Artículo siguiente FAQ Friday #42 – Is Railblaza actually useful on a sailing boat or is it just a gimmick?